Credits: Peanut Gallery Poses
Thimble Kids Event
Back to School
Compatible: TDB - BEBE
Includes: Dress - Bloomers - Neclace - Shoes and Pompoms
Thimble Kids Event
Credits: Co-Co
Crayon Days
T-shirts 3 models
Crayon Accessories: Crown - tangled - Nose and Bumper
Compatible: TDB
Shoes for ToddleeDoo Fitted (kid and baby).
Compatible with ShrinkeeDoo and TippyToes.
5 solid colors, 5 polka dots, 5 patterns versions
With 5 animations and Universal Color HUD
(Band-aid and Animation)- Resize.
Credits: Flying Bunny Store Thimble - a Kids Event Credits: Flying Bunny Store white Skin Apple - Head - 5tones - {separate shape} {BO...